Writing for College A Genre Based Perpective
Rp 80.000Stok | Tersedia |
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Writing for College A Genre Based Perpective
Judul : Writing for College A Genre Based Perpective
Penulis : Mclean HY, M. Pd., Prof. Dr. Endry Boeriswati, M. Pd., and Prof. Dr. Hj. Herlina, M. Pd.
Ukuran : 17,5 x 25 cm
Tebal : 120 Halaman
Cover : Soft Cover
No. ISBN : 978-623-162-753-7
No. E-ISBN : 978-623-162-754-4 (PDF)
Chapter 1 is deskriptive essay. This chapter covers the fundamentals of writing a descriptive essay. It provides an overview, objectives, rules, and guidelines for constructing descriptive essays. The process involves building knowledge in the field, joint construction of the text, independent construction, and concludes with assessments and a quiz. Chapter 2 is a narrative essay . Focusing on narrative essays, this chapter discusses the description, objectives, rules, and the process of building knowledge in the field. It emphasizes modeling the text, independent construction, and includes assessments and a quiz for evaluation.
Chapter 3 is a explanation essay. In this chapter, the focus is on explanation essays. it details the description, objectives, rules, and building knowledge in the field. The process includes text modeling, joint construction, and independent construction, with assessments and a quiz for evaluation. Chapter 4 is a argumentative essay. This chapter explores the world of argumentative essays, covering description, objectives, rules, and building knowledge in the field. It includes text modeling, joint construction, and independent construction, along with assessments and a quiz for evaluation.
Chapter 5 is a critical analysis essay addressing critical analysis essays< This chapter provides a description, objectives, rules, and guidelines for building knowledge in the field. It covers text modeling, joint construction, independent construction, assessments, and a quiz for evaluation. Chapter 6 is a analytical exposition text . Fcusing on analytical exposition> This chapter outlines objectives, rules, and building knowledge in the field. It includes text modeling, independent construction, assessments, and a quiz for evaluation.
Chapter 7 is a report essay. Tthe final chapter concentrates on report essays, detailing the description, objectives, rules, and building knowledge in the field. The process includes text modeling, joint construction, independent construction, assessments, and a quiz for evaluation. Throughout the book, each chapter provides a comprehensive guide for understanding and mastering different essay types, offering clear objectives, rules, and practical exercises for effective learning.
Writing for College A Genre Based Perpective
Berat | 300 gram |
Kondisi | Baru |
Dilihat | 171 kali |
Diskusi | Belum ada komentar |
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