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The Wonderful Life : Poem Collection

Rp 70.000
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Kategori Antologi Puisi
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The Wonderful Life : Poem Collection

Judul : The Wonderful Life : Poem Collection
Penulis : Eny Khusnul Hartati, S.Pd., M.Pd.
Ukuran : 14,5 x 21
Tebal : 62 Halaman
Cover : Soft Cover
No. ISBN : 978-623-8776-00-9
No. E-ISBN : 978-623-8776-01-6 (PDF)


Whatever you do it is your responsibility

It should be something right and well

It should make you confident who you are

You are someone who has commitment

You are someone who can do everything that is needed

You are needed by everyone

Believe that you can be what you want to be

Have a good hope and dream

The dream to be the best

To be someone who are needed

Be always someone who likes smile and happy

Whatever happen can make you better than before

The Wonderful Life : Poem Collection

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