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Social Media and Opinion Formation Through Buzzers

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Social Media and Opinion Formation Through Buzzers

Judul : Social Media and Opinion Formation Through Buzzers
Penulis : Budiawan, S.IP., M.Si
Editor : Alvianus Dengen, ST., MT., dan Christine Purnamasari Andu, S. IP., M.Si
Ukuran : 14,5 x 21 cm
Tebal : 103 Halaman
Cover : Soft Cover
No. ISBN : 978-623-162-327-0


The book is “Opinion Formation on Social Media Through the Buzzer.” In this book, the author contributes to the field of communication, especially in social media in Indonesia, in terms of opinion formation through buzzers. The book consists of five chapters. The discussion of each chapter in this book is as follows:

Chapter 1 The Importance of the Buzzer’s Role in Opinion Formation
Chapter 2 The 2019 Presidential Election Phenomenon and the Buzzer Team
Chapter 3 Theory and Study of the Role of Buzzers in Opinion Formation
Chapter 4 The Simultaneous Process of Opinion Formation on Social Media by Buzzers in the 2019 Presidential Election
Chapter 5 Summarizing Opinion Formation on Social Media Through Buzzers

Hopefully this book “Opinion Formation on Social Media Through Buzzers” can increase readers’ understanding and insight into Opinion Formation on Social Media Through Temporary Buzzers both in theory and implementation

Social Media and Opinion Formation Through Buzzers

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