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Love Codes

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Love Codes

Title      : Love Codes

Writer  : Tammy Paeran

Size       : 14,5 x 21 cm

Thick    : 138 Halaman



This is the launching of her first book of poems Love Codes, poet Tammy Paeran comes up with an inspiring book of valuable phrases. In Love Codes, the poet dives deeper into her love for poetry, believing the magical words that might’ve touching your heart and entertaining you during the moment this era.


The ideas in this first collection are timeless and sure to captivate audience globally. Magical love themes are just as timely as they are potent.


Despite the different views about love themes people might believe, this poem book bring another sparkling lessons in ways unforgettable to all generations through the years.


Love Codes

Berat 300 gram
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Dilihat 287 kali
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